USAF Units: 175th Fighter Group US Air Force: Units
175th Fighter Group ANG Glenn L. Martin AP/Baltimore IAP, Baltimore, Maryland A-10A 'MD' 104th Fighter Squadron

The group was activated in June 1921 with the 104th Squadron as its flying unit, which was the first National Guard squadron to be equipped with Curtiss Jennies as its own aircraft. The unit was called to active duty between February 1941 and September 1943. The 104th was reorganized as a Fighter Squadron at Harbor Field and was recognized federally in August 1946 with the P-47D and later the P-51D. In July 1954 the unit received T-33As which, along with F-86Es, were operated from Friendship Airport, Baltimore while P-51s continued to fly from Harbor Field. The transition to jets was finally completed when the unit received F-86Hs and moved to Glenn L. Martin State Airport in November 1958, becoming a Tactical Fighter Squadron. The 175th TFG was activated in October 1962. The unit was mobilized between May and December 1968 during the Pueblo crisis before receiving A-37Bs in April 1970. Conversion to the A-10A began in October 1980.